There are many ways to quit smoking, provided you have the will to do so. Below are a quit smoking tips on the best ways to quit smoking:
Quit tip #1. Calculate how much money you were spending on your cigarettes and treat yourself to something nice with that money – treating that money as a bonus for yourself.
Quit tip #2. Many people find it very useful to sustain their resolution for quitting smoking, when they think of the medical horrors that this habits brings on – like lung cancer, heart diseases, paleness and wrinkles. (as a motivator for women)
Quit tip #3. Quit by trying to help another colleague, spouse or friend to quit too. Mutual encouragement and close monitoring becomes a good peer pressure which in many cases will bring you to a successful end.
Quit tip #4. Quit by sticking to quitting never think that this is "just one puff" – as this is sufficient to push back into the realm of smokers resolve never to touch a cigarette again – and put a big full stop after it in your mind.
Quit tip #5. Quitting smoking cold turkey is still the most effective and common way to quit. They say that the more you think, the more unlikely it is for you to take action you want to quit – QUIT NOW, there is no better time than this moment itself for this.
Quit tip #6. Give the money saved on your cigarettes to your favorite charity and enjoy the feeling of doing yourself and other a good turn.
Quit tip #7. Develop an alternative habit to initially fight the urge that is associated with routines of your day for example if you need a cigarette when you wake up, or after you eat – get some something to substitute your cigarette – like a stick, a chewing gum, a lollipop – whatever you would like.
Quit tip #8. Rejuvenate your sexual life with your partner studies show that sex gives a good high which counteracts the edginess caused by Nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
Quit tip #9. Don't worry too much about weight gain it is never so much that it makes you die. SMOKING DOES it is better to initially gain a small amount of weight (though you do not actually become fat due to cigarette smoking – you rather become fat because you tend to substitute one habit with another, and you will find yourself wanting to eat more since you have no cigarettes to kills time with) than dead.
Quit tip #10. Drink milk, lots of water or fruit juice in the first week of your struggle against the addiction this encourages de-toxification of your blood and gives you strength to fight against it
The above is not an exhaustive list. "Necessity is the mother of all inventions". When you will really want to quit, you will find the best choice for you naturally. The only important thing is to remember to make up your mind never to go back. Quitting smoking is not an easy task. Only when your mind is ready to achieve a smoke-free life will you make it. Once you have decided, there is no way you cannot beat this habit.